

Master Account

The credentials for the Master Key.

Master Key

A root entropy controlled by the Exchange.

MobileCoin Tokens

MobileCoin tokens (MOB) are a new cryptocurrency that you can send over the internet.

Root Entropy

A random string, which is the seed for an account Master Key.

Request Code

A payment request code for MOB to be sent to a specific account and subaddress. MobileCoin uses request codes to wrap public addresses.


Random coins that are included in transactions to preserve the privacy of the sender by mixing in random coins from the ledger with the coins the user wants to spend.


Transaction oOutputs where every transaction uses TxOuts as inputs to create TxOuts as the output of a transaction, similar to a coin.

Merkle Proofs of Membership

A privacy measure for senders of MOB. MobileCoin preserves the privacy of the sender by mixing in random coins from the ledger (mixins) with the coins the user wants to spend. A Merkle Proof of Membership is provided with each mixin as proof that the input is included in the MobileCoin Ledger, so that new coins cannot be forged.

Last updated