Resolving Disputes

Resolve disputes by generating txo confirmations from the sender and validating them on the receiver

In some cases when sending a transaction, the recipient will report not having received the transaction. Please use the following steps to triage and resolve disputes.

Verify Transaction Success

First, verify whether the transaction was a success by examining the transaction_log for the transaction using the get_transaction_log endpoint, which will provide an example result as below:


Confirm Status and Block Index

For a successful transaction, the status is succeeded, and the finalized_block_index is populated.

Confirm Recipient Address

The output_txos for the transaction contain details about the txo itself, including the value and token_id. The recipient_public_address_b58 specifies the address to which the amount was sent.

The precision of the value of the txo depends on which token it is. To see more info about the precision of each token and what token are supported, check out our Supported Tokens page.

Confirm with the Block Explorer

You can use the txo_id from the output_txos to get more information about the specific txo over which there may be a dispute, with the get_txo endpoint.

      "id": "c50c2d1fbeae481e8bf68e90692f537a9d9fca62177d411d37dbb88e19a8f4d6",
      "value": "9600000000",
      "token_id": "0",
      "received_block_index": null,
      "spent_block_index": null,
      "account_id": null,
      "status": "orphaned",
      "target_key": "0a207ecb238d6b97dc1f83745f7a713eec75d9bce821889498b1e475144c89059c66",
      "public_key": "0a208e279a2326d585a9c8b24c0b3c9d356e63f1c4276b22bb97f25b45bb58ec810d",
      "e_fog_hint": "0a5497815c16a0ed7cc0b40eb3f0d3b4f6e9c2d14455495f971c2eff3e53889ee50e48a0ceede2c502499a4a1f181a8be0e9c0347d1a21923510c86ac102a400b5b5dd4ce8b145ab754f6541d610957857f983cb0100",
      "subaddress_index": null,
      "key_image": null,
      "confirmation": "0a209d298c11da7d6f3798c7ddef69aea407170cc8f917c5cbfb4e8651513995db31"

You can use the public_key to confirm with the block explorer. The MobileCoin Foundation hosts a public block explorer at

For the example above, we can go to the block index indicated in the transaction_log: 318163, here:, and scroll down to the Transaction Outputs section, where we see the public key 8e279a2326d585a9c8b24c0b3c9d356e63f1c4276b22bb97f25b45bb58ec810d (with the prefix 0a20 removed)

Provide Confirmation Receipt to the Receiver

After you have confirmed that the transaction_log indicates that you sent the transaction to the correct recipient, and you confirmed that the transaction outputs are in the blockchain, the next step of dispute resolution involves providing a cryptographic proof that you created the transaction, called a confirmation. You can follow the steps below to create a confirmation:

Sender Provides the TXO Confirmations

  1. Using the transaction_log_id obtained from the previous step, call get_confirmations

  2. This will return a response that has an array of confirmations.

In most cases, there will only be 1 confirmation, but if you created a multi-output transaction there will be more (1 for each output txo).

    "method": "get_confirmations",
    "result": {
        "confirmations": [
                "txo_id": "e5b05ee9db56b0a123bea472284ea24e153d99ef9698ca5dfb4dee56e3320295",
                "txo_index": "4832213",
                "confirmation": "0a2013640c9c2547dc02b9e5d5abe4adb15cc1532c4651a253b661ad7b15e0ebad62"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1
  1. For the TXO that you wish to confirm, this is where you would send the recipient the txo_id txo_index and confirmation for each txo you wish to have them validate.

Receiver Validates the TXO Confirmation

  1. For each of the confirmations generated in the previous step, call validate_confirmation using the account_id of receiving account.

If all is successful, you should have gotten a response with a result of "validated": true

Last updated