
In the examples below we assume that full-service, and both the public and private sides are all running on the same machine. In a real-world scenario the public and private sides would run on separate machines. The following TCP ports are in play:

  • 9090: The port full-service listens on for incoming connections.

  • 9091: The default port wallet-service-mirror-public listens on for incoming HTTP client requests.

  • 10080: The default port the mirror uses for GRPC connections.

Start Full Service

The first step in running the mirror is to have a full-service instance running, and accessible from where the private side of the mirror would be running.

Start the Public Mirror

To start the public mirror, run the following:

./wallet-service-mirror-public \
    --client-listen-uri \
    --mirror-listen-uri "insecure-wallet-service-mirror://"

Start the Private Mirror

To start the private mirror, run the following:

./bin/wallet-service-mirror-private \
  --mirror-public-uri "insecure-wallet-service-mirror://localhost/" \
  --wallet-service-uri http://localhost:9090/wallet/v2

Notice the --wallet-service-uri flag is targeting wallet/v2. If you would rather target v1 endpoints, remove /v2 from the end. ie: http://localhost:9090/wallet.

Test Request

Once launched, you can test it using curl:

curl -s localhost:9091/unencrypted-request \
  -d '{
        "method": "get_block",
        "params": {
          "block_index": "0"
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1
      }' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' | jq



For supported requests, the response types are identical to the ones used by full-service

Last updated