Send Transaction

Step 1: Start mobilecoind to sync the ledger and connect to Consensus Validators

Check out the latest release of the mobilecoin repo

Step 2: Open up ./ to see how to build and run mobilecoind with the latest commands and CSS file from S3



Path to sync ledger to; will build ledger locally.


Frequency of polling nodes for block height to trigger sync.


Consensus Validator to check block height and to submit transactions. When multiple peers are provided, transactions are submitted in a round-robin fashion.

Note: We use a URI scheme with mc:// preceding the address of the node.


Location in S3 from which to pull blocks for syncing the ledger locally.


Local wallet DB holds keys and transactions.


API port for grpc commands. The python wallet will use this port.

${TARGETDIR}/mobilecoind \
        --ledger-db /tmp/ledger-db \
        --poll-interval 10 \
        --peer mc:// \
        --peer mc:// \
        --tx-source-url \
        --tx-source-url \
        --mobilecoind-db /tmp/transaction-db \
        --service-port 4444 &> $(pwd)/mobilecoind.log &

The log will show messages related to syncing the ledger. When it has finished syncing, you will see messages such as:

2020-07-24 22:34:20.092996 UTC DEBG Polling finished, current results:
{ResponderId(""): Some(43694), 
ResponderId(""): Some(43694)}, 
mobilecoind, mc.module: mc_ledger_sync::polling_network_state, mc.src:
2020-07-24 22:34:20.093014 UTC TRCE Sleeping, num_blocks = 43695..., mobilecoind, mc.module: mc_ledger_sync::ledger_sync_service_thread,
mc.src: ledger/sync/src/

Last updated